Jourdan on #WineWednesday : Down with Sport and long live Red Wine !


According to some very serious studies red wine offers many benefits; it slows down ageing, protects against Alzheimer’s and senility, boosts longevity and reduces the risks of depression, cancer and heart attacks. It really is the last straw to read all that when you consider everything negative you can read elsewhere about wine. Because, wait for it, whether these studies are positive or negative, everyone who publishes them is an expert! So at the end of the day what should we believe? Well the problem is, we just don’t know. But then this problem is not restricted to the world of wine. It seems to me there are many fields in which we are offered expert opinions only to realise in the end that we have no idea…

Could red wine replace Viagra? We don’t know yet but it could help prevent erectile dysfunction. Is red wine a good remedy for diabetes? Studies show that a glass of wine a day could help tackle Type 2 diabetes. The biggest about-turn on the benefits of moderate wine consumption is possibly to be seen in the United Kingdom. Up until December 31, 2015, red wine was good for our health according to our British friends. But on waking up on January 1, 2016 what did they find? Red wine is bad for you say experts

It is difficult for the consumer to know what to do. In any case, I get the impression that the consumer is being taken for a halfwit. Between you and me, do you really think a consumer will throw themselves at the first bottle of wine they see just because they have red that a glass of red wine has the same effect as an hour of intensive sport? Let’s do it! Down with sport and long live red wine! Personally, I have my doubts and I await with great impatience a study in which a brilliant expert tells us that the benefits listed above (more sex and a longer life etc) are combined in the moderate drinking of red wine. On this point, I recommend you read the story of Antonio who lived to the grand old age of 107 drinking nothing but red wine (and a little cognac…). It’s worth its weight in gold for all those who speak Spanish.

(*Since 2003, Guillaume Jourdan has been advising more than 200 prestigious wine estates for their international marketing & communication strategy incl. Chapoutier, Hugel, Dr Loosen, Famille Perrin, Cos d’Estournel, Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie’s Miraval…Write to