Olivier Leflaive: "2012 was an unusual Year with Coulure, Frost, Hail…and the Socialist Party ?!?"

Olivier Leflaive

Olivier Leflaive, owner of the burgundian wine estate Olivier Leflaive in Puligny-Montrachet, talks about the 2012 vintage.

What do you think about the 2012 vintage in Burgundy?

Olivier Leflaive: “I’ve had the opportunity, at the beginning of this new year, to taste again the full range of my 2012s. It has been an unusual year with coulure and many other concerns such as frost, hail…and the socialist party?!? Result: we’ve harvested 50% less than usual, but it was very heterogeneous. At the tasting, we now see that this 2012 vintage shows good surprises. So good that the professionals who bought “en primeur” -between March and June– now ask for more quantities despite the price increases. But it has been such a success that unfortunately, we cannot respond positively to their requests..”

Your point of view concerning this 2012 vintage at your wine estate?

Olivier Leflaive: “Since the founding of my wine estate, the philosophy has always been to take Domaine Leflaive or Comtes Lafon as models. It’s not easy to start from scratch, but over the last 15 years, our reputation grew. This is due to the great work we’ve done in our estate vineyard (which is 17 hectares today) and to our determination to only keep the best grapes from the vignerons we work with. The quality of your wine depends on the quality of the fruit first. If we are now ranked among the top 1/3 of the wine estates in Burgundy, this is not by chance!.”

Your favorite wines in 2012?

Olivier Leflaive: “We had to take some tough decisions concerning some plots such as not producing some of our wines. But the great terroirs performed, as always! Then, my choice would go to the wonderful Bâtard-Montrachet that we have taken back from Domaine Leflaive and which belonged to me and my brother Patrick. This proves that the efforts we have made in the vineyard are paying off. Chevalier-Montrachet is also superb. But, you know, Olivier Leflaive is first and foremost a family affair and I also love to share our Burgundy Les
Sétilles 2012 with the wine lovers who stay at our charming hotel and that I meet at our table d’hôte. 2012 is an intimate vintage. The intimacy that we like at Olivier Leflaive!

(Write to VitaBella info@vitabella.fr)