What dress to wear while Baz Luhrman film "The Great Gatsby" opens tonight the 66th Cannes Film Festival ?

What dress to wear while Baz Luhrman film "The Great Gatsby" opens tonight the 66th Cannes Film Festival ?

Guillaume Jourdan

Who could be the new generation Gatsby? Jay-Z, David Beckham, Kanye West, Lapo Elkann…Which dress would ladies put on tonight to conquer the new Gatsby? Champagne Henri Giraud and Didier Ludot (Vintage Haute Couture’s pope) tried to answer this question. More excatly they wondered about the dresses some of the most beautiful women on earth could wear tonight, while Baz Luhrman film “The Great Gasby” opens tonight the 66th Cannes Film Festival.

With a G like Gasby, Champagne Henri Giraud will be the ideal companion of film lovers at this 2013 Cannes Festival. Vintage Haute Couture will also be fashionable as Carey Mulligan – The Great Gatsby is starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Carey Mulligan, the 1974 version starred Robert Redford and Mia Farrow – is a big fan of great Vintage clothes. So who else than Champagne Henri Giraud and Didier Ludot – who recently were associated in a film on “Yves Saint Laurent and Champagne” – could pair and give their opinion on the dresses these ladies could wear tonight at Cannes Festival.

Before looking at some of the dresses selected by Didier Ludot, here is his view on this unique style: “The Great Gatsby’s way of life? It’s about refined elegance, champagne, parties and insouciance.”

1925 Salmon silk velvet, gold-embroidered dress

1925 Silk velvet, gold-embroidered dress

Balmain 1970

Balmain 1970

1920's : silk (crêpe de Chine), crystal pearls

1920s Silk “crêpe de soie”, crystal pearls

Yves Saint Laurent 1967, embroidered by Lesage

Yves Saint Laurent 1967, embroidered by Lesage

Balenciaga 1967, Tunic Dress

Balenciaga 1967, Tunic dress

and some shoes...

and somes shoes…